Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What is intelligence? Are computers intelligent? Why or why not?

Intelligence is the ability to apply your knowledge to something. Computers are intelligent and not intelligent at the same time. Computers are intelligent because it knows what to do, like search up something. On the other hand, computers are not intelligent because they're not applying its own knowledge and is doing what is is told.

Monday, September 28, 2015

How has technology affected global politics or economics?

Technology has affected global politics or economics in many different ways. One way is by helping the economics. It can help by direct job creation. Another way is by contributing the GDP growth. These are a few out of many ways technology has affected global politics or economics.

Friday, September 25, 2015

How well do you follow directions?

According to the assignment we just did, I don't follow directions well. I don't follow directions well because it said to do only one thing, but I did everything. This is how well I follow directions.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What would you do if you could travel free anyplace in the world?

If I could travel free to any place in the world, I would travel to Australia. I would like to travel to Australia because I've heard it was fun there and I think I would have fun there. I would like to travel to Australia because I've done a project on Australia and I think that Australia is for sure on my bucket list for places to go to.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Talk about a time in your life where technology most helped you. It can be medically-related, socially-related, really any time that technology affected you in a positive way.

There was a time where technology actually did help me. It affected me in a positive way. That one time was when I needed help figuring out how to spell a complicated word. I forgot what the word was but,  I remember that it was when I was around 12 years old. I was stuck on a word on my English homework, then decided to use the internet to figure it out. This was a time where technology most helped me during my life.      

Monday, September 21, 2015

How can computers be used as tools for visualizing data, modeling and design, and art?

Computers can be used as tools for many things. Some of the things are visualizing data, modeling and design and art. Computers can be used for visualizing data by showing on the computer screen, a graph or a chart. It can be used for modeling and design by allowing use to create new things and design them. Lastly, computers can be used for art by allowing us to use paint and other art programs to do art.

Friday, September 18, 2015

What are some things that I like about myself?

There are things that I like about myself. Some of the things I like are my hair, my personality, my fashion taste, etc. I like my hair because it is unique in many different ways, and some other people don't have it. I like my personality because I think that I am fun and outgoing, which falls in with my personality. I like my fashion taste because whatever I wear, I match and it looks like I shop from a celebrity's closet. These are a few out of many things I like about myself.

Monday, September 14, 2015

What do you think about when you hear the word data? Where can it be found? Where does it come from?

When I hear the word data I think of information on anything; things like a computer, graph, chart, etc. It can be found on the computer, in a graph, in a chart, and more. I think data comes from information that is stored on anything like a computer.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Please provide an algorithm example in your blog. Please remember to be specific.

     How to do your hair
  1. Get towel, shampoo, flat iron, molding clay, and hairspray for hair.
  2. Set flat iron, molding clay, and hairspray on counter top.
  3. Go to a bathtub.
  4. Set shampoo on the tub and towel on the towel rack.
  5. Turn on the water of the bathtub.
  6. Wet hair with water.
  7. Get shampoo from on the tub and squirt some on hand.
  8. Scrub shampoo into hair and scalp.
  9. Scrub for a minimum of 2 minutes.
  10. Put hair/head into the water.
  11. Rinse hair well for a minimum of 5 minutes.
  12. Dry hair well with towel from the towel rack.
  13. Set towel back on towel of drying hair.
  14. Plug in flat iron to an power outlet.
  15. Set flat iron on medium heat.
  16. Wait until the flat iron is ready.
  17. Section your hair to 4 rows from back to front or vise versa.
  18. Grab the flat iron and set in hand comfortably.
  19. Grab the back section of your hair and curl hair forward.
  20. Then grab next section from the back and curl hair backwards
  21. Then curl hair backwards for the next 2 sections.
  22. After completion, set flat iron on counter top, and grab molding clay for hair.
  23. Open top for the container and scoop some with your finger from inside the container.
  24. Spread molding clay for hair in front of palm and between the fingers.
  25. Apply clay for hair until you see no spreads in hair.
  26. Then wash hands with warm to hot water with soap.
  27. Dry hands with towel.
  28. Grab hairspray and apply to every part of the hair.
  29. After applying hairspray, you are done!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Why do you need to evaluate websites?

I need to evaluate websites for many reasons. One reason why I need to evaluate websites is because some of the information on the website is false and not true. For example, some of the information on Wikipedia is not true and can be changed by anyone who has access to it. Another reason why I need to evaluate websites is because some of the information on the website has viruses and viruses are not good for your computer. These are a few out of many reasons why I need to evaluate websites.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

What does having a positive work ethic mean to you?

A positive work ethic means that the person working is working hard and their best. It means that the person working gets everything on time and does it correctly. This is what positive work ethic means to me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Who is the person from history that you would most like to meet and talk to? Why? What would you like to ask?

The person I would like to meet and talk to from history is Martin Luther King Jr. I would like to meet and talk to Martin Luther King Jr. because he was apart of the segregation movement and that allowed black people and white people to eat at the same restaurant, use the same bathroom, and etc. Some of the questions I would like to ask him are "Why did you decide to start a segregation movement?" and "Did your dream come true?"